Wednesday, January 23, 2008


These days, I'm wondering what happened to the fantastic immune system I have developed teaching children for over 20 years. I used to never get sick. This year, I've gotten every single bug that someone in my class has had. This past weekend was particularly horrible.

It started off with that mild little tickle in my throat last Wednesday that signals more fun to come. By Thursday, I had a raging headache, a painful sore throat, and a very bad attitude. I just kept popping Advil and praying for the best. By Friday night I was in agony. I tried to remember when I had eaten the gallon of broken glass shards that had obviously shredded my poor throat. Gargling salt water, overdosing on Advil, and drinking buckets full of hot lemon tea did nothing to allay my misery. (Is that the right use of the word allay?)

On Saturday I missed a close friend's baby shower and Kevin's company holiday party (yes, they party in January because they are too freakin' busy in December to see straight). But Kevin took the kids, so I had a peaceful Saturday night laying on the couch in agony. At this point, the couch had become my permanent home as I was snoring so loudly at night, I was keeping the boys (Kevin and Kristian) up. I didn't particularly sleep well, because whilst laying in the dark living room trying to breathe, my mind kept flashing back to the movie we saw for my birthday, I Am Legend, and I was sure I could hear the faint hyperventilating of the infected dark seekers hiding behind the bar, or the computer chair. I finally got up and turned on the light in the kitchen to soothe my fears.

Sunday came. Still sick.

Monday. No school. Thank you MLK. Still sick. Praying for death at this point.

Tuesday. My day off. Still sick!!!! But beginning to feel the ability to swallow solid food again. Tuesday night....still on the couch, but able to breathe now and not waking myself up with snoring. I think I'm going to live.

Wednesday. Today. Still alive. Can swallow. But now my voice is disappearing. Good luck teaching 3 year olds with no voice....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Things that irritate me on a regular basis

1. a sore throat
2. adults who talk during storytime at the public library
3. bad cart etiquette at Trader Joe's
4. of course, living in CA, I have to say, slow drivers in the fast lane
5. a hangnail
6. a warm pillow
7. lack of moving air
8. a headache
9. those who talk during the Coming Attractions...I LOVE the Coming Attractions!
10. dry contacts


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

60 Things

60 Things You Possibly Don’t Know About Me

1. Whats in your underwear drawer?
Undies, socks, bras, odds 'n' ends of buttons, sachets

2. When was the last time you threw up?
In November when the whole family had the flu

3. What's your favorite curse word?

4. Name 4 people who made you smile today?
Kieleigh, Kevin, and far they're the only people I've seen!

5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
Reading email

6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Making beds, throwing in a load of laundry and tidying up the kitchen

8. Have you ever been to a strip club?

9. What is the last thing you said aloud?
Do you want your baba?

10. What is the best ice cream flavor?
Overall, vanilla. 'Cause you can dress it up so many different ways and it's still delicious.

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?

12. What are you wearing right now?
Black yoga pants, blue shirt, white socks

13. What was the last thing you ate?
Peanut butter toast

14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?

15. When was the last time you ran?
Dear lord, I have no idea. How sad is that?

16. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Sharks hockey on Sunday night

18. Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace.?

19. Ever go camping?

20. Do you have a tan?
Not at the moment...but in 4 months...I will!

24. Do you drink your soda from a straw?

25. What did your last outgoing text message say?
Any news?

26. Are you someone's best friend?
I hope so.

27. What are you doing tomorrow?
Working from 9-12, then getting ready for Kevin's birthday on Thursday.

28. Where is your mom right now?
In Colorado.

29. What other websites do you have up?
Facebook, MySpace, AOL mail

30. What color is your watch?
I don't wear one anymore.

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Russell Crowe

32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?

33. What is your birthstone?

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Usually the drive-thru

35. What is your favorite number?
12 and 5

36. Do you have a dog?

37. Last person you talked to on the phone?

38. Have you met anyone famous?
Yes, Billy Idol, Mitch Gaylord, Patrick Duffy, Judd Nelson

39. Any plans today?
Picking up Kieleigh from Kindergarten and then shopping for some birthday gifts for Kevin.

40. How many states have you lived in?

41. Ever go to college?

42. Where are you right now?
In my living room.

43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Money. Or lack thereof.

44.last song listened to?
"Hey It's Franklin"...themesong

46. Are you allergic to anything?
Not that I know of...

47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
black Mary Jane Crocs

49. Are you jealous of anyone?

51. Do you love anyone?

52. Do any of your friends have children?
Most of them

53. Do you eat healthy?

54. What do you usually do during the day?
Work, computer, knit, TV, drive

55. Do you hate anyone right now?
Not really

56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
Yeah, but not in a good way. You know, like, HELLO??????

58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

59. Have you ever been to Six Flags?

60. How did you get one of your scars?
Gall bladder surgery

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

How cute was I at 3 years old? Go's your birthday. LOL....yep, here I am at 41. I have no earthly idea how 41 years have possibly passed since I was born. Most days I still feel like I'm a clueless 16 year old.

Having a great day so far. Kevin let me sleep in until 10:00 and then Kieleigh and I went to story time at the library. I'm going to write another post on that later.

Tonight Kevin's mom is coming over to watch the kids and we're going to dinner at PF Chang's and then hit a movie. Considering Atonement

but I've heard it's pretty heavy, with a sad not so sure it's the perfect Happy Birthday to Me movie, but don't know when else I would have the chance to see it. So....I'll let you know tomorrow what we finally decide.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


No, not the Girls, or the kind you enliven your food with, but Speakers for Parents in Cooperative Education. Our school is a member of this group, and the directors get together and pick a speaker to come each January for our parents to hear. This year we've chosen Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. I love her book "Raising Your Spirited Child" and she's got a new one out called "Sleep Issues." I can't wait to hear her speak.

I am in charge of books sales for the event. So I contacted Linden Tree books out of Los Altos to handle the sales. They have been so helpful and it's wonderful to use a local merchant for an event like this.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Dealing with it was certainly worth it. My children are amazing. Can you believe these beautiful creatures came from me??? There are days I cannot. God has blessed my life so many times. Especially on 5/4/02 and 10/28/06!

Here I go again

So, I'm going to try and do this blogging thing again. I just recently joined Ravelry and I'd like to have a blog on there ya go. blog.

January is always a weird month for me. I've got the post-Christmas blues, the "my birthday's coming up" anticipation (that feels more like the blues on ADD the older I get)...throw in some good ol' winter doldrums for good measure...and well, that's what makes it weird. And hard. It's hard going back to teaching, hard dealing with the dreary weather, and hard dealing with the bills.

But back to work I did go this week and so far, it's good. I am finally at the point in my teaching career that I am fully confident I am a good teacher. Especially on the days where I have loads of energy. I am good with those kids. Today I connected with a lot of my 3 year olds in awesome ways. I had a raging headache from sleep deprivation, but it was still a good teaching day. And I LOVE school tomorrow and quiet evening at home. Kevin said he would bring home some firewood we'll even have a nice toasty fire.

Maybe I'll even break out my new knitting project! :)